Monday, September 12, 2011

Sticky Notes

BER-months, it is. So what has happened to me? Well, I've been pretty busy in the last few months doing projects with friends to update with their portfolios. Yes, I have been shooting with live subjects (of which I am poorly inexperienced).

Models. Photographing them was a challenge. I, for once, have no experience and was a bit shy to direct them with the poses. I would use to say, "okay, start the poses", "how do I go about this?" - the model and I were both stunned and both blinked - in short, we were both confused!

How was I to direct a conceptualized photo shoot without having a background of it? It was a scary experience but I just have to push through the shyness and experience another avenue of photography.

Here's the result of my first photo shoot.

Models: Karen and Ria
HMUA: Con Ancheta
Concept: Summer Fashion 
Category: Outdoor
Date: April 2011
My makeup artist during that time helped me in conceptualizing the poses (she had prior experience). It was a whole day shoot - tiring but fulfilling. 

And then another experience happened. Con and I collaborated again for another photo shoot. This is time we had it done indoors. 

Model: Pam
HMUA: Con Ancheta
Concept: Vintage Fashion
Category: Indoor
Date: April 2011
 THIS was how I STARTED.

I'll be leaving you all with this blog and photos for the moment. But I will soon be continuously updating about my travels, food and fashion photos.


Quote for the day: "We become very impressed when we get to look inside ourselves, into our pictures. That's the relationship we have with pictures. Every picture is a piece of the inside of ourselves." ~ Oliviero Toscani

1 comment:

  1. that's a good start. i also tried doing fashion shoots and i always prefer my candid shots than the posed one that's why i thought i'll never be a good fashion photographer. but yeah, i still enjoy doing it :-)
